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V:28 Quotes

V:28 Quotes

Back in 2002 Eddie (vocals and rhythm guitar) and myself (lead guitar and programming) played together in another band called VOID. Due to different reasons that band was disbanded, so we decided to move on and start working in another direction. We wanted to take introduce more electronic elements into the music and we became comfortable with a more industrial and mechanical sound. As I'm the composer and the "boss" in the band I use a lot of time to work with it, and over the years it has meant more and more to me. Recently I feel our work has shown off much better than before, and that means a lot to me. But our main goal is to make the music we like, and whenever we get positive feedback we take that as a huge compliment.
Kristoffer Oustad

First of all I make music that I like myself, and I see it just as a big bonus that I've been given the opportunity to release my music and that there seems to be a market for it. 
Kristoffer Oustad

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