Tilly and the Wall Quotes : Mfyi.com
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Tilly and the Wall Quotes

Tilly and the Wall Quotes

"It doesn't really matter how big the crowd is, we play because we love to get up there."
Kianna Alarid

"A lot of people have said they heard about it and thought it was a gimmick. They tend to pass judgment quickly. But after they watch and listen to our music, it speaks for itself."
Jaime Williams

"I don't want to answer when people ask me what instrument I play,"
Jaime Williams

"After Magic Kiss broke up, Kianna and I were still writing songs and I wanted to do something with Neely,"
Jaime Williams

"I taught for five years and decided to take the year off to tour. It was the hardest, scariest decision of my life. I was freaking out. I love my job at Bancroft (elementary). Everyone there was very supportive of the decision. I feel stronger for it. I don't want to go through life not knowing what could have been if I hadn't taken this chance."
Neely Jenkins

I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. A little over three years ago, a few friends and I started writing songs. I sing, freak out, clap, stomp around, and play bass guitar in the band that became...Tilly and the Wall.
Kianna Alarid

Well, I can't speak for the others in how they write, but I am personally very affected by my surroundings. It changes what and how I am writing. And there are some places I just cannot write in. My one thing though: I love to write with a blue pen!
Kianna Alarid

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