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Henry Cow Quotes

Henry Cow Quotes

As an improviser I'm now pretty comfortable with trios, so I'm thinking of working up to quartets.
Fred Frith

I remember playing football dressed in peculiar costumes with some friends in France and laughing so hard we couldn't even stand up, let alone kick the ball.
Fred Frith

I started getting interested in the notes that I could hear being generated when I hammered on while playing a classical guitar.
Fred Frith

I write with a mouse, because it has no psychological associations or memories or habits associated with it.
Fred Frith

If you mean do I use the guitar when I'm sitting at home writing stuff, then basically no, never. All I would ever write would be stuff that my fingers easily fall into.
Fred Frith

Improvised music involves a lot of intuition and I like developing intuition.
Fred Frith

It's like learning a language; you can't speak a language fluently until you find out who you are in that language, and that has as much to do with your body as it does with vocabulary and grammar.
Fred Frith

One of the things I particularly enjoyed doing was taking raw sound from locations during the film, like the candy machine, and writing pieces of music to go with them, which is totally unnecessary within the context of the film, because they have their own logic.
Fred Frith

There's an awful lot of resources that can be drawn upon in an improvised music concert.
Fred Frith

We play melodic music, we play songs, we play all kinds of things and when you improvise you don't just shut out different languages, you use all the languages that you have.
Fred Frith

We went through this business of me writing out all the parts for these old songs from Gravity and Speechless and we'd been performing that, but we don't do that any more.
Fred Frith

You could say that everything the musicians have learned and known over the years, all of their technical resources, are in a dialogue with the things they are discovering every time, as if it was the first time.
Fred Frith

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