Fugees Quotes : Mfyi.com
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Fugees Quotes

When I'm working with other people, I know they come to me to get them to pop off. Me, though, I'm not a pop-off artist, I'm an artiste. Wyclef or the Fugees are not those type of artists.
Wyclef Jean

When the Fugees were big, we made a whole lot of money, and what happened was that I saved my money and never spent it.
Wyclef Jean

I've been communicating with the Fugees, and it feels a lot better now than it did three or four years ago.
Wyclef Jean

“I got moxie, I'm so damn cocky/ Industry tried to block me like cops and paparazzi.�
Lauryn Hill

When you're young and everything dramatic is exciting, you start to believe that hype that, in order to be an artist, you have to suffer. I've graduated from that school.
Lauryn Hill

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