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Aarni Quotes

Aarni Quotes

Well, why intentionally copy other bands or styles? I can't see any point in that, even if it is done in "homage" to your favourite band. When I first started to write my own music I and everyone I knew considered it important to have an original style. But I guess the "differential" in Aarni comes from composing, playing and selecting the artwork etc. with serendipity...everything seems to fall in place spontaneously. We just go with the flow... I think it is a pity that most bands appear to be afraid(?) to show their own personal ideas and style, instead opting for a pathetic conformity. 
Master Warjomaa

Yes it can...certain states of bodymind boost your senses, therefore visual signals like colours seem brighter and swirling. On the other hand, some people have said they enjoy looking at Bathos' artwork when in a supernormal state - interesting and delightful: also candy-like. That's the other reason we wanted to have colourful artwork: to fool children into buying the record instead of spending their money on candy. Candy is bad for your teeth! With the money I made from Bathos I have bought lots of candy. 
Master Warjomaa

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