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7th Rail Crew Quotes

7th Rail Crew Quotes

The music has evolved as we have. Whether it be mentally, physically or spiritually we have gone the gambit of where exactly we want to be as a band. When it came right down to it, we were there all along, but it was just a matter of how we wanted to have our music come across and not alienate the fans that we'd made throughout the five or six years we've been playing shows. Somehow we fit together as a group being complex individually, yet remaining the tightest knit group of friends I have ever known. I would go the distance with this band because we have shed too much blood and sweat trying to make a go of it.

When we went about writing for this CD, we were really not sure how our new ideas would come across. I myself was unsure if people would wipe their ass with this thing, or throw up the metal horns, but when we got to actually record, something just came together and we really impressed each other as to what we were capable of. I think that as a mass opinion we did well for ourselves, we have had only positive feedback which is extremely rare. I feel that our fans see what we put into a show whether it's for 5th, 50, 500,or 5,000 people. We always go out there with the same mentality. DESTROY.

High points: Seeing people appreciate your music as an art form, and living vicariously through that emotion you try put on an album. Constantly being surrounded by the best friends you could have as a support system. Low points: Knowing that every ounce of energy will be sucked from your body trying to kill yourself on stage, which is not really a low point just a reality. Oh, and having your colleagues constantly trying to kill you with alcohol.

7th Rail Crew is my life. It is more than a band, it is more than a religion. It is more than a full time job, yet it doesn't pay the bills. It has alienated every relationship I have ever known on a variety of levels if not completely. It totally consumes every waking minute if my days. I breathe 7th Rail Crew. I eat 7th Rail Crew. I shit 7th Rail Crew, but I wouldn't trade a lost moment for anything this world could offer.

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